Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Theres nowt better

theres nowt better by tom fincher
theres nowt better, a photo by tom fincher on Flickr.

Theres nowt better in photography terms, as far as I'm concerned, than getting up and heading to the coast for a sunrise.
It's dark when you leave, so you've no idea what the clouds are like, the tide is always on the move and the light is constantly changing, and when that sun peeks over the horizon the morning changes yet again...and then you take a moment, you look around and it feels like you've the world to yourself. Awesome. But then you look down and your feet are soaked, but you dont care.

This is sunrise on 1st December from Montrose with Scurdieness Lighthouse in the distance."

– Tom Fincher

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Ahh, the humour of soaked feet and a stunning image too!